We have a partnership with Azayaka Consulting, our affiliated company and a Real Estate Transaction Specialist that operates real estate transactions such as trades of real estate as an intermediary and also a mediator. Our company offers support of how to deal with the treatment of international taxation when you acquire assets (real estate, etc.), regardless of corporations or individuals, in cooperation with the affiliated company.
The importance of the Transfer Pricing Taxation is growing for companies that operate businesses in Japan. We plan to do the concrete hearing and offer the best advices on the risk evaluation, the documentation, and the planning of the transfer price. We also have staffs that are native to Chinese and English. So, we have no problem in preparing analysis papers required for Transfer Pricing Taxation in foreign languages and in communicating with foreign associated companies.
Treatment of international taxation on the salary of the expatriates is one of the problems that companies that enter or operate in the Japanese market often face. Our company compares the content of the Japanese Tax Treaty with that of each country's and offer understandable tax advice in accordance with the Japanese tax system and the Tax Treaty. We also act as a tax agent such as preparing and submitting documents related to the tax return or Tax Treaty to the Japanese Tax Agency.
Globalization and diversification of international transactions produce more issues of international taxation in each transaction, which are getting more and more complicated and difficult to handle. Therefore, issues of international taxation exist other than that of the Transfer Pricing Taxation and the salary of expatriates above mentioned.
Our company can offer a lot of advantages, one of which is to offer the best solutions to various issues on taxation derived from international transactions. They are based on the scheme laid out below. Ask us all, and we will do everything because we cooperate not only with tax accountants specialized in international tax but also with specialists familiar with each business field. We call this method“one-stop consulting” because customers have to deal only with us to solve all the problems.